Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Words o' Wisdom...hahah

Chase: Ms. G., when you're an adult, do you get paid when they put your poems in a book?
Me: Well, sometimes. It depends on the poem and how good of a writer you are.
Chase: I can't WAIT til I'm an adult.

This week was the final week of the extended day Remediation program-- I've been filling in for various people when they couldn't be there. I brought sugar cookies (uh, slice-n-bake, duh) and icing and sprinkles so we could at least have a little something fun. I even found a grade-level activity sheet about cookies and ratios. Hollah! (I'm shaking my head at my nerdiness there.)
Me: You need to get started on your warm-up problems because we won't have time to make cookies otherwise.
Rafael: (clearly math is not the area he needs help in) We're going to bake cookies? We're only here for 45 minutes, Ms. g. There's just not time.
Me: Uh, we're Making cookies, not Baking them. I should be more clear. We're decorating and eating cookies-- the good part.
Rafael: Well, alright.

And, PS, on the cookie situation-- I totally ate WAY to many of those and had a sugar coma as SOON as I got home.

It's Spring break next week and also April Fool's Day this week... so I've been asking the kids to write about possible pranks. My fav? "I'm going to get a cup of warm water and sneak up on my mean brother while he is sleeping. If he is completely sleeping, then I will put his hand in it and make it look like he peed on hisself."-- I wish I could put the picture she drew to go with included a stick figure and a blob next to the legs, and a key describing the water, the "wet spot" and the brother.

In other, non-teaching, news...took Bella for a walk tonight and realized that Decaturites TOTALLY do not understand what is and is not supposed to go in recycling. Hello! Styrofoam, NOT it. Plastic bags of all varieties? NOT it. Dirty, dirty, dirty bottles not cleaned out in the least, NOT it. The nice thing about it being co-mingled recycling is that most of the households in my neighborhood participate. It majorly cuts out on garbage for the landfill. I like it; but, dude. Read the list of things.

Also, planted part of my garden before the tiller either, a. ran out of gas, or b. realized it has been sitting out since last summer and its fuel is old and rancid, so it quit working. Meheh. Planted some of the seedlings I've started indoors in peat pots-- including arugala, spinach, basil, parsley, bell peppers, carnival peppers, cucumbers, squash. I also planted the beans that I yanked out of over-zealous students' cups-- um, you can't put 8 lima beans in a 3 oz. cup of dirt. We shall see...I'm hoping for gentle rain, lots of sun, few insect problems, and that the dogs will chase all the rodents and birds who eat my produce away. :-)

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