Sunday, February 23, 2014

February Races That Weren't...Part 1

February has NOT been my running month. It's been difficult to run when it's very cold and damp (Denver doesn't really DO damp; low humidity is a hallmark of this place!) and there's been a lot of melting snow-- which means muddy paths and roads, not to mention ice. I have been to the gym for the treadmill and elliptical and I've been teaching swimming twice a week at the YMCA with my students, so I've been moving, but not necessarily running. (There was a well-intentioned, but poorly executed Tai-Chi class in there too.)  In case you missed it, my dog had a big cancer surgery, so she's been on a limited exercise regimen to help her paw heal. It's hard to keep a 65 pound beast who wants to run calm and still-- especially when you want to run with her!

Ready to run...
What was my solution? Sign up for races! Everyone has their own motivation for fitness, but money is definitely one for me. If I sign up for a race, I think about that money being out of my account and I want to make it worth it! I started with the Ralston 5k/Half Marathon in Arvada, Colorado. It's about 30 minutes west of Denver and I went to the packet pickup the evening before at the Runner's Roost store. I got horribly lost getting there, called the store and got a snarky response from the worker there. I stopped my car, cried, called my friend Dan, cussed a little, then pulled on my big-girl pants and found the damn store to get my number and shirt. 

The weather forecast was cold. Early February in Colorado could go either way with the weather-- sunny and clear, or snowy and windy. It had been below freezing all week, but was supposed to warm up to the 40's. It was actually in the 20's on the morning of the race.  I had my gear ready-- moisture wicking layers, body glide, hot hands, gloves, hat...the works. 

I went out to hop in the car, and my car wouldn't unlock. The lock was frozen shut. It's a new car (as of December) and only has one key lock and no key fob.  I tried methods I knew that might work, put a plea on facebook for any Northern friends who knew tricks...but nothing worked. I called AAA and they opened my door. It was too late to make it to the race. Bummer. 

My best friend (and biggest running fan) Allyson (and awesome writer) came to the rescue with a few more races she located in the area. I was NOT going to NOT run in February in Denver!

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