Monday, January 14, 2008


This is a dumb, lame topic, but I feel compelled to write it. I'm propped kind of strangely on the edge of my ugly yellow chair and the computer is dangling on the forgive typos!

Goals: 2008:
1. Finish what I start: scrapbooks, editing, writing, etc. The follow-thru is key here.
2. Stop driving and applying make-up/eating. I'm like one of those freakin' all-state commercials, except for I'd be putting on stockings in the convertable or something.
3. Publish. Educationally or otherwise. I have great ideas--the world needs to know!!
4. Stay/get involved in the community: Amnesty, Trees Atl, PAWS, Scouts, etc.
5. Get a damn job! (haha, WKC)-- Start small: college tutoring/reading part-time, high school/elem. english/general.
6. Stay artsy...singing is good for me and it makes me HAPPY. Endorphins= good.
7. Travel more, stay better in touch with people. So much easier said than done. I like a good challenge.
8. Get in control of finances, taxes, etc.
9. Do something that is new and scary, ie...commit to a language, marathon, non-prof project, etc.
10. What the hell, I don't need a 10.

Note to self--for student teaching: dress/identity unit + Post Secret, AI persuasive writing, dog stuff, Dr. Seuss, theater performance. I am going to ROCK the FACE off of this student teaching stuff. Bla-damm!