Friday, May 30, 2008

New Indy Jones movie review-- one buttery thumb down

What to's a summer that's noteworthy, I suppose. I guess I could say that my popcorn was delicious! Yes, that's it. My popcorn was muy sabroso.

My Rants:
- Why are we mad at the Russians? And why are we calling them Russians? In the 1950s and 60's they were Soviets. In fact, I recall completing a first grade geography project (circa 1989) in which I researched (my mom read me a World Book article) on the USSR. So, if movies are supposed to speak to the time period in which they are created, why are we so far behind on our enemy fronts, eh?

- Aliens? X-Files era was soooooo 1997. Area 51...I'm so over it. We have new conspiracies now, thanks.

-Really? It's his kid? Indiana Jones had sex!? He's virile? Never saw that coming. Oh no. Cinematic relationships are ruined for me forever.

-So, he hid in a fridge...bounced after a nuclear blast into the desert and survived? I'm concerned about the fallout-free acqua-non-potabile he had to have been drinking! Was it in a plastic bottle?

-Where do they gas up the military vehicles in the jungle? And why didn't Marion's head get blown off when Evil Cate Blanchett in terrible wig and accent lady- dah!- fired the machine gun at her from close range?

- Where were the clever catch phrases and lines? Do I need to go back and watch the original(s)? Why is Indy soooooo f'ing bad at translating? Does every word in ANCIENT-MAYAN-INDIAN-SPANISH-CONQUISTADOR-AZTEC language have a double entendre? Why can't he translate anything right the first time?!

- Maybe I was so distracted by the inane dialog ("Their version of gold was actually knowledge. They saved the knowledge!" and silly plot (How did we get to all those conclusions? Oh yes, by jumping there like Mexican jumping beans)...but- was the John Williams' score good? I mean, I heard the I.J. theme (bum-buh-bum-bah...)but I didn't notice the music doing anything but warning us when the danger was happening. hmm.

My Rewrites:
-Why couldn't Indy have had a daughter?? That would have updated it, feminized it, she coulda been badass-- not a whiny little greaser kid who wasn't particularly awesome at anything. Sean Connery woulda been cool with a badass granddaughter.

-The monkey-zombie-ninja-grave-protector people. What's up with them? Extras from Mel's Apocalypto? Did they require explanation? Guess not. Good thing the Russians, er, Soviets killed them all.

-So, in a disability-studies sense, maybe this wasn't brilliant, though-- Oz was essentially retarded. He'd blown out his brain looking at the magic crystal head thing and then they have to use him as their leader. Indy, Marion, and the kid are incredibly patient and not patronizing to him...oh wait, except when Indy yells at him "Get HELP!" and he returns with all the bad guys to their hiding place. Good job, mentally-disabled guy. Oh, wait, I probably should marvel instead at Indy's annoyance with Oz's not-smart decision. I mean, he DID bring help...

As a second part of this-- if Oz is the key to this being a modern telling of some kind of current fable...when what is it? We value the idiot savants? Our culture has something to learn from autistic heroes? Feeling this one out here...Oh yeah. He was cured at the he's no longer retarded. Indy gets tied down, Marion finally gets the wedding she wants...guess we have to pass the torch down the patriarchal their stupid, undereducated, always-coiffing son. Can't wait for the sequel...

Oh, I netflixed Kinsey and man, it was pretty good. It probably deserved the awards it received.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

from my portfolio intro/dedication

So I finished my portfolio defense today and passed with an excellent score! I'm so proud of myself and grateful to all the people who have helped me sooooo much. You never know when you may be influencing someone in a productive manner, that's all I'm gonna say! I wanted to reprint part of my introduction/dedication page because I took the opportunity to make my advisor read about how thankful I am to other people. The dedication part was NOT necessary in his eyes, but totally required in mine. THanks, y'all!! -- <3 Adr


Have you ever heard the phrase, “How do you eat an elephant?” The answer is of course, “One bite at a time.” No, it’s not quite Oedipus solving the riddle of the Sphynx, but it has been a bit of a mantra for me as I worked through my Master of Arts in Teaching English program at Agnes Scott College. This year has been a whirlwind of activities, friendships, assignments, concerts, field trips, lesson plans, and meetings with students. At times, I never thought I’d be able to finish the elephant on my plate, but as Aesop’s tortoise states, “Slow and steady wins the race.”

None of this program or portfolio would have been possible without the kind and generous support of energizing women mentors and friends. I feel incredible gratefulness to the following: my cooperating teacher, Mrs. Amy Jurskis, for her tireless good advice; Dr. Betty Scott Noble for her commitment to the Agnes Scott community; Dr. Rosemarie Garland-Thomson, for her encouragement to pursue Women’s Studies; the Ladies of Luchsingers a Cappella, for giving me the opportunity to make beautiful music and sing on this fabulous campus; my mom Anita and sister Emily for faithful understanding; the Amnesty International executive board on which I serve with Sarah, Allison, Courtney, and Jakevia; the English Departments of Tri-Cities High School and Inman Middle School, for sharing their students; my MAT cohorts, Maddie Shepherd (Crowhurst!) and Christy Williams, for being sister Scotties in the Black Ring Mafia; and President Elizabeth Kiss, for her vision of this World for Women. I’d also like to thank all the students I observed and taught at Mt. Zion Elementary School, Avondale Middle School, Inman Middle School, Chamblee High School, and Tri-Cities High School. My love goes to my close friends and roommates, Will, Katy, Jay, Shelley, and Chelsea.
Journey with me for a fresh bite of elephant. Bon appetite!

Monday, April 28, 2008, me-ology, forgive-me-ology

Acccck! So, grad school is almost over. In reading over some old emails, I realized that it was April 29th last year when I sent out an announcement that I would be attending Agnes Scott. I received a lot of love back (through the universe, via email, etc.) and it's been an AMAZING year. I really can't believe how much change I've experienced this life, where I thought I'd be, what I've learned, who I've met, the things I never thought I was capable of doing...holy crap, I'm gushing.

My main thoughts on this year:
1. Write. I like to do it. When I do it for school, I'm pretty good at it. When I do it for myself, I'm slightly stunning. I need to make this happen more somehow. It can flow out of me like a catharsis I just don't even understand.

2. Sing. I REALLY like making music. I've gotten to sing with Luchsingers and Chorale and there have been some momentous occasions over '07-'08. Luchsingers have sung for huge groups of people, the opening of the Chapel, Deans, and have recorded live and a "studio" album. This has been so much fun...because these ladies are so freakin' dedicated to the things they are involved in...I'm so impressed. I never thought I'd have so much common ground with people a few years younger than me.
Chorale has been fun's been a good step along the way to me auditioning for serious groups-- I'd gotten a little community on myself here. We sang with Ga Tech-- first time in decades, sang at the Chapel (it was really beautiful, wish you'd been there), and will sing at graduation. Gosh, singing keeps me so sane. It's really awe-inspiring to me, because I didn't know how un-grounded I could get so fast without this joyful noise bursting from my soul, bleeding into my heart, and coming out as my voice.

3.Be open. I've been open with a LOT of people (more so than I'd ever imagined telling semi-strangers about myself) and subsequently, I consider myself to have expanded my circle of friends to some new women and men. Luchsingers ladies blow my mind...the girls I met in my classes this fall were wonderful too. Can I just say, Maddie and Christy saved my life over and again with all the pratfalls of a helluva fast program like this. I'll miss Maddie sooooo much being in the UK and I can't believe Christy and I are going to be teachers in the fall. Crazy! I've met great teachers at schools, observing and student-teaching...and networked fairly well. This is important to me because I'm pretty brassy and being able to reel some of that back in yet still have my quirky personality has been great.
The kids I've met have reinforced my belief in myself...not for needing adolescent adulation, but rather for being able to relate information and myself professionally to these young people. I have enough "mommy" instinct in me to do well with little ones, I just never thought I'd be able let alone manage, much less positively impact these bigger young people. Emily said I was a teacher like Janet...and maybe she's right.

4. Lose. I've lost a lot this grandmother to eternal rest in May, my boyfriend to circumstance later in the summer, my roommate to mental disease in the fall, my backup job at Fernbank to progress in December, my students at the end of student teaching, my sanity at times...
This losing has really been good for me. I believe in that crap about what you live through making you stronger...but looking back, I've felt like it's been a learning experience that I've needed to have on my curricula. I hate the transitions around loss...I never feel like I get enough chance to say goodbye to the things I want to let go of...but the time you get is all you get, no questions asked. I hated the transition from Oxford, hated the transition breaking up with GHC, hated the transition leaving my mom's house and then later leaving Janet's, hated the transition back into college at Clayton, hated the transition from full-time student to school employee, hated the transition of breaking up with Will...the first transition I've dealt with okay was from working to doing this master's...maybe it will start a trend.

5. Love. I have discovered the depths to which love can abandon you and conversely, the heights to which love can walk side-by-side in support. I've seen how simple love can be and just how amazingly complex is is...I thought I had a handle on it at different points of my life, but young people, love is always in flux. Love is's a river, changing and never the same from any angle twice, but always there-- to soothe, to incite, to swallow, to challenge. I have felt so loved this year.
My friends have been amazing. My sister and mom have been so supportive-- even my brother has been coming around to being really great sometimes. Rex has been through a lot and we've gotten closer too. Will helped me numerous times when I was about to fall apart and I don't know where I'd be without him. My dog has been my saving grace...don't laugh, it's totally true. Bella's really fun and deferential (word?) and loving and she keeps me happy. Profs I've met this year have showed me some professionalism and exposed me to levels of academia I'd not thought about reaching for. Other people at Agnes Scott have been immensely helpful at my times of crossroad/transition-- when I was in danger and when Olivia's mom died. I wish this feeling of supportive love to anyone. It's so wholesome.
To reiterate, Luchsingers are love for me...this music and these women have been so healing and enriching and empowering for me and who I strive every day to become. Love, love, the friend/family way, Katy, Em, Rex, Courtney, Arleen, Will, Dan, Christy, Puppy, Dr. Mac,...the list goes on. I've had some false-starts at love this year too, but it feels really, really right with Jay-bird. God, it feels good to really be me around someone so much and so simply. We just are...I'm a little scared I'll wake up from this delicious good love dream...but maybe it's not a dream. Oh, and on Candler Road, scratched in the sidewalk, there is an "A+J" and another one in a coffee cup drawing. I don't know who the grafitti J and A are, but I like them. :) To think, we've been around each other for years, our paths crossing and intercepting, but not finding this love til it really made Bob told me, "your well of sorrow is equal to your capacity for fulfillment"-- we needed a sense of the depth to have the propensity to soar.

6. Dance. And be upside down. Dan and I went to all those 6 Flagseses and it was really fun...even though we fought a little. Dancing is fun, is good for exercise, makes you feel does being upside down. :)

Okay, so I started this post because I am listening to Regina and Fidelity and Samson are in my head and playlist. As usual, when I don't try, I end up writing about other things.
Here's the words that jump out to me...
From Fidelity, by Regina Spektor

I hear in my mind all these words
I hear in my mind all this music

It breaks my heart

Suppose I kept on singing love songs just to break my own fall
Just to break my fall

Breaks my heart

I feel so, so lucky. Life is good...there's music in my mind...and it breaks my heart that everything is so good...but the heart that's under the cracked one is so much more perfect than the outer shell. <3 Adr

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Big Casino...

Okay, so it's come to my attention that "our generation" does not have any good war-protest songs. I mean, it seems that way...songs of the Vietnam era seemed to unite people in the fight...Bob Dylan, John Lennon, The Police, Ani DiFranco, any punk group...those seemed to work(?). I'm not willing to make a statement on whether or not I think they worked; I realized as I was on a solo car trip (wow, me in my car for 4 hours...damn, I was hoarse, and the truck drivers all got a show) that I may have read the Jimmy Eat World "Big Casino" all wrong.

So, for nothing more than posterity...[and my future ENG/SOCIOLOGY interdiscioplinery college course on explicating song lyrics as a facet of modern storytelling...] here's what I think:

I feel like it's a war protest song, however, it doesn't seem like anti-Iraq or Afghanistan or anything. I mean, there's been talk of a draft, but nothing has actually happened on that front. So, I guess I feel like it's referencing wars with drafts...or maybe it's even taking on the perspective of other countries which DO have mandatory military service...yet there's the New Jersey thing! Gosh, I felt a lot smarter about this when I was driving and listening to it incessantly at 3 in the AM!

Well theres lots of smart ideas
In books I never read
So, we're establishing that the speaker is young.
When the girls come talk to me and apparently attractive, or otherwise able to inspire lithe young admirerers.
I wish to hell I had and, he's young and dumb...but now has the perspective of regret

Get up, Get up
Turn my ignition
Get up, Get up

Fight off [fire up?] the system So, that's pretty anti-war, anti-The Man, etc.
Play my little part in something big This line I just love. Mother Teresa says this, "We cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love."

I'll accept with poise, with grace Grace is a message I can live with, war-protest or not.
When they draw my name from the lottery What lottery? WWII? Vietnam? NATO-driven Eastern European countries?
And they'll say all the salt in the world couldn't melt that ice Cold day in hell when...[you name it] message here? I'm still puzzling.
I'm the one who gets away So, you wanted to play in something grand on your own scale; is escape the solution?
I'm a New Jersey success story Totally don't get this one, but I think about Michael Moore's message in "Fahrenheit 9/11" with the family stories of the kids who either chose to serve in the military or were coerced into serving from Flint. The kids from Flint are the proverbial Everyman.
And they'll say Lord give me the chance to shake that hand If the admirer girls are shaking the hands, or the other people who admire those who serve? Higher-ups?

Back when I was younger
I was someone you'dve liked
This makes me a little pensive because I wonder if whatever the event was: the war, the escape, the lack of participation in society has made this person hard and closed off.
Got an old guitar I had for years I let you buy Clearly, the music and lightness in his heart is gone...if it was ever there.
you ain't dying enough to know Such a threat and a warning to the living. Youth is wasted on the young, as they say...but it's never too late to take up your plan to rage against the bad in the world.
There's still some livin' left when your prime [time?] comes and goes But this is pessimism-- it's not a warning; it's just saying that you're just like him and you've wantonly wasted every chance you got to suck the marrow out of the bones of life.

Get up, Get up
Dance on the ceiling
Fred Astaire? This is getting crazy!
Boy you must be dreaming This isn't the hopeful dreaming.
Rock on, young savior, don't give up your hopes It's hard to say, here what he believes. Is he hopeful for the one who isn't him? He maybe has transpired into something beyond his ego, here.

I have one last wish
And its from the heart
The song is a swansong? It's over, he went to war and he died? Or is he just dead inside?
Just let me down
I wish this was "don't let me down".

The chorus happens again here...but the final line seems truncated, while it isn't. "They'll say" is actually pretty powerful, I think. He's pretty sure of himself that he's made such an impression on people, on the girls, on the war, on New Jersey, on the comrade "Young Savior" that they will still have reason to talk about him...but will they?
They'll say

Monday, March 24, 2008

vernal equinox...welcome home jesus!

So, it was Easter on Sunday, so maybe I have Easter on the brain...but I learned some new things today...Amy (my CT) told me that her minister husband told her about the specific date of Easter--that it is the Sunday after the full moon after the Vernal Equinox. If I may digress, (which I will), I LOVE astronomy and Latin roots. They sound so smart and sexy. Vernal equinox, according to Wikipedia, has to do with when the sun is positioned over the Earth's equator...and in my opinion, when the old Greek and Latin people figured stuff out. I want to go by the sun!!!
There's a town in Italy...I think it was Siena (maybe I'm wrong, I'd have to check the pictures)-- that the town clock on the tower in the center of the town only had an hour hand. Yes. I want to live there. Imagine a conversation on timekeeping:
"What time is it?"
"Well, it's 11-something."
"Can you be more specific?"
"In that case, I think I'll have another glass of wine, because I'm probably not supposed to be somewhere for a while."

Societies that carefully charted suns and moons and storms and stars...I just love it. Meteors= something unexplainable and amazing. Yep, that's as much science as I want to know. Plus, societies like that probably approved of the naked moon dance...the bathe in the moonlight the moon your breasts dance that Aunt Janet originated...or at least shared with me...

So, Easter was low-key. I had a couple of events this weekend: picked up a shift at the art shop for Ariel, had a lovely home-cooked (well, chicken) dinner with Carrie, Chris, and Jay, then a fun housewarming party at Will's. Saturday was busy, but I got to see my mom a bit-- she's getting on with her paper and actually making some headway. Let's see, Jay helped set up for my 'old skool' Pre-graduation Party...people came, we played games, enjoyed each other's company, etc...then I had church on Sunday and a nice lunch with the family. I love weekends like this. :)

So, with Easter on the brain, a Jimmy Eat World song came up on my (stupid skipping) itunes: called "Casino." The words that caught my ear were "all the salt in the world won't melt that ice"-- what could possibly be so thick and difficult to travail that all the salt can't help you through? That seems rough...
Some of my students are reading Echelbreigh's "Nickel and Dimed"-- which is fun to discuss with ego-centric 14 yo's-- because the concept of an actual living wage is so disquieting when they are so happy to be part of a class that has possibly recently climbed out of the lower classes of poverty on which our nation is built...I just felt like I was starting the kindling to a fire that might blaze up with these blase kids...that they can choose to make change: "Get up, Get up
Fight off the system
I play my little part in something big"-- who knows? I hope something at least was a little begun...
"I'll accept with poise and grace"-- I appreciate any song that encourages poise and grace...what a better world it would be if we lived every moment with as much grace. I don't know, it sounds cliche, but grace seems like the so many questions.

I guess I'll just put the lyrics here, and recommend that if you want to hear a catchy song that just might make you think, check this one...

but seriously, is this not crying out for a lesson at church school or something?? Well, whatever your faith...and I'm not sure that mine is sitting squarely in a church right now, but, yeah, "rock on, young savior"!!


Before this world starts up again
It's me and night
We wait for the sun
The kids and drunks head back inside

Well there's lots of smart ideas
In books I never read
When the girls come talk to me
I wish to hell I had

Get up, Get up
Turn my ignition
Get up, Get up
Fight off the system
I play my little part in something big

I'll accept with poise, with grace
When they draw my name from the lottery
And they'll say all the salt in the world couldn't melt that ice
I'm the one who gets away
I'm a New Jersey success story
And they'll say: "Lord give me the chance to shake that hand"
They'll say...

Back when I was younger
I was someone you'd have liken
Got an old guitar I've had for years, I'd let you buy
And I'll tell you something else
That you ain't dying enough to know
There's still some living left when your prime comes and goes

Get up, Get up
Dance on the ceiling
Get up, Get up
Boy you must be dreaming
Rock on young savior
Don't give up your hopes

I'll accept with poise, with grace
When they draw my name from the lottery
And they'll say all the salt in the world couldn't melt that ice
I'm the one who gets away
I'm a New Jersey success story
And they'll say: "Lord give me the chance to shake that hand"

I have one last wish
And it's from my heart
Just let me down
Just let me down... easy

I'll accept with poise, with grace
When they draw my name from the lottery
And they'll say all the salt in the world couldn't melt that ice
I'm the one who gets away
I'm a New Jersey success story
And they'll say: "Lord give me the chance to shake his hand"
They'll say...

Sunday, March 16, 2008


Step 1: Put your music player on shuffle.
Step 2: Post the first line (unless the first line reveals the song title) from the first 30 songs that play, no matter how embarrassing.
Step 3: Strike through the songs when someone guesses both artist and song title correctly.
Step 4: Looking them up on Google or any other search engine is CHEATING!
Step 5: If you like it, post your own!

1. Well painted passion
You rightly suspect

2. If lust and hate is the candy,
if blood and love tastes so sweet,
then we give 'em what they want.

3. I met Jane at the center of the earth
It was dark there was dirt all around
But I gather you can figure that

4. Sweet talkin' Johnny push a john quicker than he spit
Street walkin' tin with a crooked crown waitin' for it
There she goes

5. I feel like a quote out of context
With holding the rest
So I can be for you what you want to see

6. Where have all the bastards gone?
The underbelly stacks up ten high
The dummy failed the crash test (okay, there’s a few lyrics right before this, but I don’t like them.)

7. These walls have eyes/ Rows of photographs/ And faces like mine/ Who do we become/ Without knowing where/ We started from

8. Mama,just killed a man,
Put a gun against his head,
Pulled my trigger,now hes dead, (hint, it’s a musical!)

9. I quit lookin' at the clock,
it will only bring me down and it wont bring you here.
If I pulled out all the stops and a little less in my hair, could I bring you here?

10. Oh, come crush me now/ Don't leave/ no one has won this war/ this time

11. I try but I cant seem to get myself/ To think of anything/ But you/ Your breath on my face/ Your warm gentle kiss I taste the truth

12. Perderti cosÃ, come un attimo
mentro tutto va oltre i limiti
della mia fantasia, tu che eri mia!!

13. I want to tell you something
That I should've, long ago
I wish that you and I had those kids
Maybe bought us that home

14. Fear me you lord and lady preachers
I descend upon your earth from the skies
I command your very souls you unbelievers

15. I bit my tongue and stood in line
With not much to believe in
I bought into what I was sold
And ended up with nothing

16. As soon as my eyes shut the slide show begins
Yesterday is gone now and panic sets in
With a weight upon my chest
and a ghost upon my back

17. Come, they told me, pa rum pa pum pum
A newborn King to see, pa rum pa pum pum

18. Blink and you miss a beat
Keep one of your eyes open at all times
Think that you're on the brink
The shit hasn't even begun to hit the fan

19. I can't control this flesh and blood
That's wrapped around my bones
It moves beneath me like a river
Into the great unknown

20. She feels the ground is giving way
But she thinks we're better off that way
The more you take the less you feel
The less you know the more you believe
The more you have the more it takes today

21. Some summers in the evening after 6 or so
I walk on down the hill
And maybe buy a beer
I think about my friends

22. So you say
I'm too quiet
Holding things
Up in my head

23. Tired eyes closed for days
there's no regret, 'cause there's no place
I don't know what I believe
but if I feel safe, what do I need
Revolution! (this is my least fav on the album)

24. I wish you would step back from that ledge my friend
You could cut ties with all the lies that youve been living in

25. She is mine!
Chhamma Chhamma Re Chhamma Chhamma
Chhamma Chhamma Baaje Re Meri Paejaniyaan

26. Did I disappoint you or let you down?
Should I be feeling guilty or let the judges frown?
'Cause I saw the end before we'd begun

27. You think that I go home at night
Take off my clothes, turn out the lights
But I burn letters that I write
To you, to make you love me

28. A lovestruck romeo sings a streets a serenade
Laying everybody low with me a lovesong that he made

29. I let the beast in too soon, I don't know how to live
Without my hand on his throat; I fight him always and still
Oh darling, it's so sweet, you think you know how crazy
How crazy I am

30. I ran from my house that cannot contain me
From the man that I cannot keep
From my mother who haunts me, even though she's gone
From my daughter that never sleeps
I ran from the noise and the silence

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


So, today was supposed to be Super-Afternoon Tuesday...the kids had testing, so I had my 10th graders at the end, not the middle of the day, then I had chorale rehearsal, then Dan and I had some fun-ness planned. Alas.

The testing part was fine (Mrs. Galloway is HILARIOUS!) and the teaching part was fine. One student has deemed himself the class dad...I guess it's like my 3rd grade "room mother"--except that he just threatens the other kids with a belt if they don't do their work. Funny stuff. I think he wouldn't hit them...

Then I got home, walked Bella, and then, my car wouldn't start. After several phone calls to people more mechanically inclined, I ascertained that my car's battery was fine. It's less than a year old too. I missed rehearsal. :(

So, later, Dan came over...even though our original plans were to go to the CrAzY carnival and watch this Romanian film at the Art Cinema and then watch his awesome Dvd handiwork on my teaching video...(see, it's a super Tuesday)...and he started taking apart the innards of my car to get the starter out. A few hours in the dark and cold later, the starter was freed, and on its way to be recycled or refurbished or sold on the used-car market at Auto-Zone. Yay, new starter. Yay, Dan! Yay, Dan for making my car go! Yay, Dan for filming and editing my teaching video! (I look like Bonner at times when I teach, in case anyone's wondering...)

Even later than that, all the lights went off at my house...not a big deal, since I have the scary fuse box. HOWEVER, I didn't realize that the electrician had made good on his word and REPLACED MY SCARY FUSEBOX WITH A CIRCUIT BREAKER SWITCHY THINGIE PANEL! You have no idea how excited I was. The screw-in fuses are so scary. They pop and are hot and are hard to handle. (Sounds like black crowes)...but it is better...anddddddddd my dryer is better! No growling! It turns, it dries clothes!
Super-Tuesday is going to end with my car working, me drying clothes, and a giant bowl of potato crisps at Manuel' vie est bon. Oh, et Dan est la merde. :)

Monday, February 25, 2008

ApplianceSmart gets F- from Ms. G.

So, I bought a washer and dryer for my cottage-- oh, well, in August. The dryer broke in September-- and that has sucked. However, I haven't replaced it/had a technician look at it...til today! So the GE guy came out and argues with me that it has to do with voltage on my incredibly dangerous looking fuse box-- and unscrewed all the fuses to prove a point-- then went on to ripping out the big fuse circuit breaker several times to further cement the idea that my house is wired like shit.
Thanks, I knew that.
Could you please fix my damn dryer?

Friday, February 22, 2008

if music be the food of love...

So, I've been blogging at a couple different locations-- a covert school blog and a required journal for school...and writing lessons and units (haha, units) I've been neglecting this one lately. Honestly, I've been writing...some for me, actually!-- but on paper.

So anyway, here are my thoughts for the moment:

Grandpa Bill-- I got to talk to my Grandpa earlier this week and he's recovering from a really terrible car accident that happened 3 months ago. I'm so pleased with his progress-= he's been going to rehab and PT and getting better. THere's so much tension in Mark's side of the family-- it's hard to communicate and interact. I didn't know how he would do-- in a space of 6 months, Grandpa went from being the sole caretaker of Grandma Marilyn, to losing her, feeling liek he had no purpose without her/looking for what to do with his time, to needing constant care himself. It's been so much change-- but he seems to be emerging pretty well.

Student Teaching-- So, student teaching is going. There are ups and downs-- generally, I like my kids, hate my school, like my lessons, hate my unit, -- that kind of ups and downs. There have been some really cool exchanges-- moments-- between me and the kids-- they are learning a lot of stuff and I noticed today as I was leaving that several of them waved to me at dismissal-- a sure sign that they are not hating me too much-- they are willing to acknowledge me in front of their friends. I have a class of mostly boys and there are a couple of girls in there who are really protective of me-- if they are worried that I didn't understand a slang word-- they ask me if I got it-- if the boys are too off task, they fuss at them like mother hens. It's really cute and I appreciate them a lot. THat class also has the boys who talk about my ass on a daily (well, I'll be honest, I have only heard about it once this week, so maybe the novelty it tapering off) basis. It makes me laugh...that's all I can say. The 9th graders were REALLY good for my big observation on v-day-- so I owe them cupcakes big time.

babies-- So, a lot of people are having baby boys lately!! Carol and Dave had Will-- but he got jaundice and a terrible infection right away-- spent the first 10 days of his life in the Children's Hospital in Indianapolis. He's getting better-- and Carol's doing great. I'm so glad Dave and Carol have each otehr-- after visiting them this summer, I was in love with love for them. Bonner and Spence had little Danny-- he seems to be perfect. I'm glad they are parents-- if I was younger, I'd want Spence to be my dad!! Shel's brother and sister-in-law had Bailey-- and in the pics, he's screaming his head off, but the first pic with Lata (the new Grandma), he's calm and serene. Happy Gramma, happy baby. Welcome to earth, babies Will, Danny, Bailey-- the winters are cold and the summers are hot...

Christy and Maddie-- These fine ladies, what can I say...we are partners-in-crime in this crazy masters program-- and I'm soooooo thankful they are not insane and here. I don't know what I would do without them!!! Christy and Maddie are such good teachers and have such strengths as people-- Christy is so together and calm and such a chill mom and so supportive-- I wouldn';t make it without my text messages during my observations-- and millions of phone messages!! Maddie is so awesome with going out and us talking abotu teaching and England and boys and schools and the world for hours. It's soooo cheesy, but on the karmic sense, I feel so overpaid with the kindness from these people.

moon-- So there was the lunar eclipse on Wednesday night--and it was wonderful. I noticed tons of girls on the quad watching it after Luchsingers-- it was not orange yet, just really bright on the corner and changing. Later, I went home and it was ruddy orange-- the stars were dim around it. I feel so recharged after spending quality time with the moon and stars...I need to check out the observatory sometime!! I spoke with Janet on Thur morning and we laughed-- she said, did you do the moon dance? I giggled, yes-- I put a blanket outside and watched it for a while, Petey Belle did NOT know what was the matter with me-- then she said, did you show the moon your breasts? It's important to moon bathe!!

Dan-- Dan the man is awesome. He hates that title-- but, lemme say, he always comes through. My oven pilot was off and I couldn't figure it out--Dan fixed it. He's awesome. I've got a lesson that needs filming coming up-- he's going to do it for me, again, because he's awesome. Oh, and I got my season pass in the mail to six flags-- I think it must be renewed...because upside-down time with Dan is goodtimes!

gng-- This company SUCKSSSSSSSSS. I've gotten 4 (and counting) service fees from them because of clerical errors on their parts. Here's the fun part-- they were charging gas on the wrong house (since Puppy's and mine are confusing)-- and they will only refund half the fees. THey suck and I hate them. I like hot water and heat and all, but I hate that this is the means to that end. Bleeecccch, gng. You don't even get capital letters.

arleen-- So there's this amazing-- been through hell and back lady-- a senior citizen, if you will, who works at the art shop with me. She's hilarious and uncensored and says whatever she wants-- and I'm so lucky to be able to be around her. She's a hell raiser-- and I want to be just like her when I'm her age. She's also very protective of me-- which I've noticed, as a trait, I really value in people. :)

shakespeare --Romeo and Juliet is just about done--we saw the Georgia Shakespeare version (I wrote on LJ about it) and have been watching hte films. Othello is starting up and they are LOVING the raunchy opening-- I'm getting a kick out of teaching it. Let me just say, in a completely gushy way, I LOVE Shakespeare!!! Everything is so present in our lives today! So many of the themes and even scenes (strangely) parallel stuff that I see all the time. I use that as my advocation for a more vocational track in younger schools-- that kids don't need to read Shakespeare in order to live a fulfilling life and have a job successfully-- but, you know, maybe they do?? The themes course through the blood of the veins of life-- you can't breathe without using the phrases, the ideas, the language-- I'm in awe. Bard, man, you rock.

Sarah and KT-- Okay, these chicas are my love-doctors. They listen to me babble about boys and have advice, stories to share. Katy and Sarah, you rock really hard. I can't believe I can talk so much about this, and you have amazing ears for being able to stand it. Plus, you are both gorgeous on the inside and out. Well, I haven't seen your insides, but I'd imagine you have some pretty awesome-looking cells going on.

internet support-- So, I love the internet. THat sounds like something a cyber-oriented Kindergartner would say, but I do. I think Facebook is awesome because all these nice people send me happy messages and free gifts and eggs and stuff and it makes me happy. Thank you internet, for being awesome...and thank you friend for texting, iming, emailing, etc. etc. with awesomeness that makes me happy. :)

music-- Courtney has this obnoxiously infectious song on her itunes..."Music is my boyfriend, music is my girlfriend..." and so on. Man, I love me some music. I had no idea how much not having a regular source of good music-- from making it and getting it-- through itunes, Luchsingers, chorale...singing in the car (which I couldn't do when my car was dead)-- how music keeps me centered and whole. I loveeeeeessss me some music! So, if music can be my lover...I will be the pantheist girlfriend of music. haha, I guess Shakespeare said it better, "if music be the food of love, play on."

That's gonna wrap it up for me. Tune in next week...while I play it by ear...hardee, har har.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

R &J....

Dire Straits wrote this Juliet song-- lots of people have covered it, including the Killers as of lately. I love these words!!

A lovestruck romeo sings a streetsus serenade
Laying everybody low with me a lovesong that he made
Finds a convenient streetlight steps out of the shade
Says something like you and me babe how about it ?

Juliet says hey its romeo you nearly gimme a heart attack
Hes underneath the window shes singing hey la my boyfriends back
You shouldnt come around here singing up at people like that
Anyway what you gonna do about it ?

Juliet the dice were loaded from the start
And I bet and you exploded in my heart
And I forget the movie song
When you wanna realise it was just that the time was wrong
juliet ?

Come up on differents streets they both were streets of shame
Both dirty both mean yes and the dream was just the same
And I dreamed your dream for you and your dream is real
How can you look at me as if I was just another one of your deals ?

Where you can fall for chains of silver you can fall for chains of gold
You can fall for pretty strangers and the promises they hold
You promised me everything you promised me think and thin
Now you just says oh romeo yeah you know I used to have a scene with him

Juliet when we made love you used to cry
You said I love you like the stars above Ill love you till I die
Theres a place for us you know the movie song
When you gonna realise it was just that the time was wrong
juliet ?

I cant do the talk like they talk on tv
And I cant do a love song like the way its meant to be
I cant do everything but Id do anything for you
I cant do anything except be in love with you

And all I do is miss you and the way we used to be
All do is keep the beat and bad company
All I do is kiss you through the bars of a rhyme
Julie Id do the stars with you any time

Juliet when we made love you used to cry
You said I love you like the stars above Ill love you till I die
Theres a place for us you know the movie song
When you gonna realise it was just that the time was wrong juliet ?

A lovestruck romeo sings a streetsus serenade
Laying everybody low with me a lovesong that he made
Finds a convenient streetlight steps out of the shade
Says something like you and me babe how about it ?

Monday, January 14, 2008


This is a dumb, lame topic, but I feel compelled to write it. I'm propped kind of strangely on the edge of my ugly yellow chair and the computer is dangling on the forgive typos!

Goals: 2008:
1. Finish what I start: scrapbooks, editing, writing, etc. The follow-thru is key here.
2. Stop driving and applying make-up/eating. I'm like one of those freakin' all-state commercials, except for I'd be putting on stockings in the convertable or something.
3. Publish. Educationally or otherwise. I have great ideas--the world needs to know!!
4. Stay/get involved in the community: Amnesty, Trees Atl, PAWS, Scouts, etc.
5. Get a damn job! (haha, WKC)-- Start small: college tutoring/reading part-time, high school/elem. english/general.
6. Stay artsy...singing is good for me and it makes me HAPPY. Endorphins= good.
7. Travel more, stay better in touch with people. So much easier said than done. I like a good challenge.
8. Get in control of finances, taxes, etc.
9. Do something that is new and scary, ie...commit to a language, marathon, non-prof project, etc.
10. What the hell, I don't need a 10.

Note to self--for student teaching: dress/identity unit + Post Secret, AI persuasive writing, dog stuff, Dr. Seuss, theater performance. I am going to ROCK the FACE off of this student teaching stuff. Bla-damm!