Sunday, October 21, 2007

more stuff I forgot...

More stuff...*passively looking for #9 button
*brick store and lambic
*Wal-of-mart slogan and its ridiculousness
*celtic warrior knot and Janet's Nancy...

things to write on

This is going to be an incomplete entry-- I need to put a little down on paper, so to speak, but don't really have the time or mental prowess to do much I want to do with it at this time.

It's been a busy week...I've been out almost every night this week (maybe not the best for my "staying on track in school" mantra)-- but it's been goodtimes with good friends. Had an interesting phone call on Monday night...not sure how to write about that, exactly and goodtimes with a friend on Tuesday. Rough day on Wednesday, but ended at Carpe Diem with a half-price bottle of red wine-- which is always a good time. Thursday...I got to talk to an old friend at my old job about a lot of stuff-- she's amazing. She's been a surrogate for infertile relatives-- and carried twins to term who were born this summer. I'm in awe. She's also really cool and easy to talk to. Good advice and thoughts from Melissa...that's for sure.

Friday was "Things are Looking Up" Christy and I have now deemed them. Chamblee High is really a cool school-- I met a couple of really down-to-earth educators-- Mr. Smith and Ms. Knapp-- as well as the principal Lowery and the pres. of the Ga Charter School Association. Good networking, people!! Got books, ideas for a lesson (yay, Poe!), made new friends, found a place I want to work theoretically next year, etc. etc. I hit a tree in my yard earlier in the week (oops) and a piece of my plastic undercarriage was scraping the ground for a while-- it finally made it off-- so, things are looking up. Made it to Clopton and he made some recommendations, and let me say the traffic on Candler SUCKS! I hung out with Will for a bit on Friday-- we need outside activities...otherwise I get sad. Nuff said.

Saturday, I picked up Baby Boy (is it weird to use a baby's real name here??) and we went to Stone Mountain for the Scottish Highland Games. Contrary to popular belief, they're called kilts, not skirts. wasn't exactly the same as I remember it as a kid or a horny teenager (it's been a few years since I've gone)-- but I got some stained glass, heard some pipe and drum bands, ate a funnel cake (sprinkled with dirt by Baby) and roast corn and chatted with my mom, Aunt, and Grandma. Saw a little Irish washerwoman dancing-- that stuff is so funny. Ended up kind of doing nothing except reading some Bill Bryson last night-- oh wait! After getting the new postsecret book and some Gace/Praxis stuff. Selection at Edgewood B&N sucks. Oh well. Yay, postsecret. I really believe in that project; it's amazing. I overuse the word amazing all the time-- but it is. =)

Today is the AIDS walk in Piedmont Park...and I have a pile of homework to do...along with Luchsingers and Amnesty. Ah is busy, and when life is busy, it is good.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Man, what a day, what a week. Wait. I should be careful and not use gender-specific language. Now I'm looking for that all the time, thanks Caro! :) Darn! what a day!...No, Crap! What a day! Well, I think I should just rewrite this draft...haha!

I've just finished a book for my ws class called "Willow Weep For Me: a Black Woman's Journey Through Depression" by Meri Nana-Ama Danquah. She's a Ghanian immigrant who also has written about her immigrant experience-- which I'd like to read as well. I can't find that much stuff on her online-- (I think she needs a better website!) but her writing was so incredibly insightful and powerful to me. I never think to flag, dogear, highlight, and write all over books as much as I have with this book. It's honestly been more useful to me than years of on-and-off therapy have been as well! If you can, or, I'm trying to figure out a way to put the intro to her book up somehow (maybe it's on Amazon?), it's really, really great-- whether you've suffered (or are suffering) with depression or want to know more about the illness. My ws class is "women's disability studies" and taking depression as an illness-- a disability-- is a new track for me-- I've always just looked at my depression as something that needs to be squashed and hidden and not talked about...that it is shameful. What a book to bring it out into the light.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

caffeine buzz

So, I'm sitting in my class right now (uh oh!) and I'm totally experiencing the shakes and the zaps (as Emily denotes) from not enough food (I had awesome cracker barrel sour dough toast, yumm) but I ran out of time to finish my homework AND I'm sitting in this AWFUL class and shaking like a leaf in a windstorm. Speaking of windstorms, I decided it would be a good idea to walk back from class after my Women' s Studies class and then work on homework and let Bella take a walk, but neglected to think about the clouds building in the sky. Ah yes, I had to walk back the gigantic 8/10ths of a mile to Agnes Scott in the rain, and yes, my umbrellas are in the trunk of my car, parked in the parking deck. Tragic, really. :-P I think I can credit an old friend Ivan with saying "tragic" all the time, so the "tragic, really" is a spin-off of that. I say it in a smarmy accent; it's better that way.
So, my tummy wants food, and less Cream Soda, however, the A&W was quite delicious as it was going down. I suppose avocado and tomato salad will do for dinner tonight-- I'm trying to get into the habit of buying food that I like and will eat...and doing so! It sounds so simple, but I've grown up in the times of buying in bulk (I come from a family with 5 children!!) and I tend to buy things and accidentally let them expire. Not exciting, especially given my financial times right now. I pick convenient nutrition in times of, eating out, instead of spending time cooking when I need to be doing other things. It works for me...but not so much for my budget! I'm doing better I think...and I'm trying!!
Okay, so, I'm just writing about my silly diet, but what better things are blogs for?
So, in seriousness, I'm playing around with the idea of changing my name. Today is the 5-month anniversary of my paternal grandmother's death (RIP--MLCG) and she's the only one in my family (who I care about) who would be offended if I dropped my last name. I'm taking all these classes having to do with identity and naming and the intersections of our identities...I think the past of my name of my father has been changed throughout my was initially French pronunciation and then anglocized to an awful version, and then I've personally shortened it (in schools) to the initial "G" and, quite honestly, that works for me. I have no connection to having the name of my father and continually perpetuating the masculine patriarchy. More power to the women who feel comfort with that...I wish I did, but alas, I do not have that positive connection. Anyway, I feel very funny about my name as it's connected to my identity-- even my first name was finally selected by my father (agreed upon after hours of deliberation) and I was born after a rather short labor...I was ready to be out and into the world!
My middle name was chosen by my mom and I like it...I know several other women my age (you know who you are!) who have the same middle name and I like it a lot. I think it may be a good last name...any thoughts?

first post!

first post...
So I've lost my pw to my xanga account, so blogspot is my new place. Fantastic, I say. In case you don't know, Bella is my American bulldog-- and is my heart! Precious is sleeping in a pile of pillows as we speak. Bouquet comes from...well, I like nice smells. That's all. Bellabouquet!