Saturday, July 27, 2013

Moving jitters

I've managed to stave off my moving jitters. How? Simply not thinking about it and being buried in all the details of getting into a new job, getting out of an old townhome, getting into a new apartment, getting out of a lot of mess and getting into a new organizational mindset.

Today I took a little time off of the packing and worrying about moving and....

1. Got my back adjusted at my adorably sweet chiropractor. I had many well-wishes and hugs.
2. Went to my BFF's little boy's 3rd birthday party and watched him delightfully open gifts, say thank you, and give good-bye high fives to all his guests. Did I mention he's faithfully saving coins in his bank for a new train? Precious!
3. Went to a bizarre relaxation Himalayan simulated-salt cave for an hour of meditation/nap.
4. Ran some errands and sang along with the radio on a very zooming car ride with my guy. (Wind in your hair riding in a BMW with someone who's an excellent driver is reallllly fun).
5. Ate a delicious meal complete with fried pickle spears as an appetizer. Southern mac and cheese with grilled salmon and broccoli, yes please.

Did I get all my work done? No. My to-do list is quite extensive.

But it's do-able, thank goodness.

And a couple things have come to mind. I found a post card in DC when I was out and about with my dear friend Shelley several years ago. It stated, "Due to the lack of experienced trumpeters, the end of the world has been delayed for 2 weeks." My take away? If it doesn't get done in the next few days, it's either not that important, or it can get done in Colorado. Ah, there's my breath. I found it.

Another quote that comes to mind as I'm trying to sort through the disaster that is my former bedroom (no, really, it's a disaster)...a cross-stitch that hung on the wall in my childhood bathroom, "Home is Where the Heart Is." Is it? My heart has been a lot of places. My decorations, photos, dishes, linens, and furniture sure made this little townhome have my character. It was my home, but all the stuff that made it "me" is either packed, back in my mom's house, or given away on freecycle. {Or will be by the time I'm done here!}

The Eddie Vedder song "You're True" is in my head-- and I've been listening to it on repeat, like a mantra. The narrative of the song is a woman saving a man from all the things that were wrong and him becoming a better person because of her...but the line that has always risen above all the rest for me in that song..."Nothing ever goes my I'm at home in my own an ocean's tide come in..."

I'm at home in my own skin.

That's the meaningful part with the chaos of reconfiguring everything I've ever known. The strength I need to do it is in my bones, my heart, my mind. I'm at home in my own skin.

So, in less than a week, I'll be 2 time zones, 1000 miles, 3 hours by plane, and  22 hours (by car) away from the state and city I've basically called home my entire life. But I've got my own skin. I'll be the one in it. So I'll be home.

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