Friday, November 30, 2007

Open-ish Auditions

Who's into voiceovers?
Like working for a good cause?

So, for a final project (meaning, due in 2 weeks) I'd like to make a digital audio recording/podcast of the entire play of Romeo and Juliet. It will be used for high school audiences and not require British/Shakespeare accents. If you are interested, and are happy to work for pizza and booze (well, if you're old enough)...please let me know. I'll be recording in the Atlanta/Decatur area. I'll get some semblance of a schedule together for anyone who's interested.

Oh, if you know of someone I didn't tag and you think would be great, let me know too!

Oh, if you know anything about recording and would like to share advice, that's always welcome, too.

Thanks in advance! :)

Adrienne (Miss G.)

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Note to self: don't change for anyone

“Hello, babies. Welcome to Earth. It’s hot in the summer and cold in the winter. It’s round and wet and crowded. At the outside, babies, you’ve got about a hundred years here. There’s only one rule that I know of, babies — ‘God damn it, you’ve got to be kind.’ ”

Katy likes this quote I think, it's Kurt Vonnegut...I like it too. I just came across it and I like the "hello babies" part because I don't feel patronizing when I call my high schoolers babies. I don't mean immature, I mean, babies, like I think my giant stinky dog is a big baby. I mean, seriously, I adore, yeah. Whatever. My head hurts today...pretty much has all day...and it's kind of spinning from hearing a friend relay some of her life experiences. Lemme tell ya, Arleen is something else. I knew she was "balls of steel" senior...but oh, my god, she's been through hell. Oh, and when google makes suggestions when you type in "Kurt", Cobain comes up before Vonnegut. That's kinda sad.

On an unrelated note, I finally bought Ryan Adams' Rock and Roll cd-- mainly because Em keeps forgetting to set it on fire for me. haha. SO, I think my favorite song is "Wish you were Here" because of the openning--

Cotton candy and a rotten mouth
You know you're so fucked up
You know I couldn't help but have it for you
It's all a bunch of shit
And there's nothing to do around here
It's totally fucked up
I'm totally fucked up
Wish you were here...

I love that..."cotton candy and a rotten mouth" I LOVE cotton candy. In Arleen's words, "Girl, you cuss like a sailor, worse than me! What is the good God in Texas gonna think?" Dunno where I'm going with this...but I like it. The other Ryan Adams song I like is "So Alive"---Always on your side--I'm on your side--And so alive it isn't real...again, not sure where I'm going with this...but it feels self-affirmative.

Had a nice chat with John last night...he is one of few people who can bring out a genuine (not Scarlet Ohara, not Redneck Randy, etc.) Southern accent in me. Funny. I do wish he was here...hmmm. Maybe the circle is complete...(taps fingertips menacingly!)

Okay, I'm loopy, still feeling this headache, and have much too much to do tomorrow. Peace!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Writing Down the Bones

Natalie Goldburg's book on Freeing the Writer Within...

Comments on it

Where you can get a copy of your own!

A "real" review

Cool quotes and a picture

Writing ideas inspired by the book

Monday, November 26, 2007


SO, in Georgia, there is this teacher certification test called the GACE. Everywhere else, it's the PRAXIS. The Georgia one is supposedly easier so that more people pass it, so I hear. It was kinda long and boring and I didn't even know what some of the words meant on it...and they don't give you your scores unless you failed it. Put it this way....I GOT NO SCORES!

I PASSED! I can be a teacher in Georgia. This deserves a YEEEEEEEEE-HAW!

Oh, in other news, Grandpa Bill is in the hospital after a head-on collision (not his fault, the license-less 16-year-old's) with a shattered knee, bumps and bruises to the head, and torn rotator cuff. Please pray for the sweet old guy. He's such a charmer-- his oxygen is monitered through his trachea and they keep fussing at him because he's talking too much and taking the oxygen tubes off in order to cover his trach. He's got a good will there!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

'Cause love doesn't hurt so I know I'm not falling in love
I'm just falling to pieces

And if this is giving up then I'm giving up-- Anna Nalick

Once upon a time I was falling in love
But now I'm only falling apart
There's nothing I can do -- Bonnie Tyler

These are words I'm thinking about. I'm lame. :-P
Happy Thanksgiving all...

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Dear Al Gore

Dear Al Gore,
I'm a liberal environmentalist but I don't believe in global warming the way you think we all should. Duh, if the polar icecaps were melting, we'd have water in the Chattahoochee River in Georgia. I think Sam drew a better reason for water issues:

PS-- You should get a fuel-efficient car and stop taking tons of limos everywhere.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Pictures for fall...

Agnes Scott had a big turn out for the Atlanta AIDS walk in November. GO, SCOTTIES!
Laurel was my team captain. She's also a lovely Luchsinger Soprano!
My dog (Bella) is the cutest on the planet.
Allison and I were good team-workers at the Amnesty International cookie baking party for Guantanamo Bay. 86 to "86" People!

Nephew Baby is adorable. He is the rosiest-cheeked little muffin. He's almost as cute as Bella. Well, I think he might know a few more tricks.

Fall is for KIDS!

So, this Fall, I helped Aunt Janet at her school with story telling (as Elvira lady and Little Red) in September and then went with Kilpatrick and Morrow to the High Museum for Impressionism. These kids are the most adorable ever!

techno triumph

So, at the risk of sounding un-American, I really hate comcast. They have been giving me problems and the internet has been broken all week. Yes, Comcast, you shitcast, you broke the internet.
So anyway, I bought a universal remote so that I could use it on my dvd/vcr steal (I got it on Craigslist for cheap sans remote) and managed to program it! I'm so excited! I didn't even need a boy to do this for me!!! :)

Monday, November 12, 2007

Podcast for class

This is mildly entertaining. Have a listen!

Gabcast! ENG 610 Podcast #2 - ENG 610 Podcast

Miss G (aka Adrienne Gauthier) shares her Italian experiences and travel tips.

From an artist in DC: "Due to the lack of experienced trumpters, the end of the world has been postponed for 3 weeks."

The end of the world will not happen until just before finals. This makes me happy. I no longer see the need to study!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Regina Spektor...

Regina Spektor concert this Thursday with Christy and I'm mad excited! The only downer is the amount of stuff I have to do in between now and then. Oh's early yet...

So, "if you kiss me where it's sore" I don't think "you'd feel better, better better" because you'd probably get sick like me...but I might feel better. hmm. I'm trying not to think about you being my "sweetest downfall" because there are many other things for me to do right now...even though I guess I have "loved somebody fully...but maybe I did always have one foot on the ground" adds to my boringness. I've been doing well, but let me say, facebook does not help me with the ideas of "who's that girl wearing my dress??" No "little bag of cocaine"-- not my style.

Ah music, how I love you more than anything else I think.

Friday, November 2, 2007


Dear Grandma Marilyn,
I wanted to put this on cute stationary and a stamp, but seeing as how there's no post office where you are, I'm just going to trust that you get it this way.
I was thinking about you today (as I do most days, but today especially I wanted to talk with you) because I wanted to ask you what I'd done wrong with my bird feeder. I mean, I put mouse and rat food in it instead of bird food, but it was on a really good sale at Petco, and I figured the birds could eat all the seeds and throw the little pellets on the ground if they didn't want them. I hung the bird feeder up a few days ago and nothing! Nada! The squirrels haven't even located it. Here's a place where you and I differ: to be completely honest, I like the squirrels and chipmunks more than the birds. They make cuter sounds and have adorable faces. Beaks just don't do that much for me. It doesn't bother me if the squirrels eat all the long as they don't chew up the bird feeder. I like having it there because it reminds me of you. You always loved your birds-- cardinals, bluejays, many to name. I couldn't name them all, that's for sure.
I loved how you could sit at the dining room table on the red and white checkered cushions and wait for the birds to come to the window sill feeder. You could smell the dried eucalyptis and see the beaded flowers in vases all around you and your dishes, placemats, and table runner. ALl of these things were so distinctly you-- it was your biome, your niche. I bought some eucaplytis last week becuase it smelled like your house to me. It makes me happy to smell. I know that olefactory glands are attached to some of our strongest memories-- the smell of eucalytis reminds me of you so much it almost takes my breath away sometimes. At the table, you sat so still that they didn't even mind you being there. I hung the feeder on a tree branch (one I could reach) outside my window here in Decatur so I could see the birds when I'm sitting at my desk. I don't really have time to sit at a table-- you had lots of time...but you still managed to do a lot. I admire that about you.
I have pictures from my trip around the midwest. I'd love to tell you all about them. I'm sorry I never finished my Italy scrapbook so that you could go on my journey with me through that. I've been singing-- we are singing at a church service on Sunday. You'll hear. We're doing this Operator song that's kind of bluesy, but it's pretty. Mom's coming-- but I doubt she'll tape it. She usually taped everything for you anyway. I'll have to make sure Grandpa Bill comes to the Christmas concert. It's on Emily's birthday this year. Poor kiddo, she never gets a day all her own for her birthday. I hope I can remember to do an unbirthday for her in the summer. She deserves it.
Mom's doing well-- she got an extension to finish her paper and get her PhD. Neil's been really nice lately, he helped me with picking up a screen I got that wouldn't fit in my car. You know, my house is so weird-shaped that it made sense to get something to break up the space a little. You'd like it, it's hand-painted, even though I got it from, you'll never guess-- Big Lots. Did you know they have nice things there too? Weird!
Emily's going to move in sometime in December,I think. She's been working a lot at Fernbank--more often than me, I'm so busy with school. She's still got her boyfriend and is working out going to college in the spring. She'll tell you about it sometime.
Grandma Jane and Janet are okay-- I went to Janet's school last Friday to do stories with her kiids at their fall festival. I dressed up as LIttle Red Riding Hood and read/sang this funny Halloween Bones book. They liked it a lot-- it's weird because in Griffin, I was something like a celebrity. I think that's what it would have been like if I'd worked at Disney. People were asking me to take pictures with their kids and stuff. It was strange to me-- but I had a good time and it helped Janet out.
Boys? Oh, Will and I broke up, but I don't want to talk about it now. I'll tell you more sometime.
Anyway, I have to go-- there's a little bird at the feeder now-- it's small with greyish white body and a black crest. I don't know what it's called-- I was hoping you'd know. It makes me sad, but it makes me happy to have that there. I want to tap into your love of birds. There's something serene about it-- and serenity is something I think I can afford to have sometimes.
Anyway, I love you! Beez Kneez! I'll talk to you soon!

Thursday, November 1, 2007