Monday, November 26, 2007


SO, in Georgia, there is this teacher certification test called the GACE. Everywhere else, it's the PRAXIS. The Georgia one is supposedly easier so that more people pass it, so I hear. It was kinda long and boring and I didn't even know what some of the words meant on it...and they don't give you your scores unless you failed it. Put it this way....I GOT NO SCORES!

I PASSED! I can be a teacher in Georgia. This deserves a YEEEEEEEEE-HAW!

Oh, in other news, Grandpa Bill is in the hospital after a head-on collision (not his fault, the license-less 16-year-old's) with a shattered knee, bumps and bruises to the head, and torn rotator cuff. Please pray for the sweet old guy. He's such a charmer-- his oxygen is monitered through his trachea and they keep fussing at him because he's talking too much and taking the oxygen tubes off in order to cover his trach. He's got a good will there!


Unknown said...

Oh, yeah, and his 5 pound puppy (named after my Grandma) was in the car and has had to have medical treatment for her injuries in the crash. If she hadn't been in her carrier, she'd be dead. If you have pets, please travel safely with them. :)

AC Brandt said...

Awww, poor puppy. I'm glad they are both okay. And congrats!!!! on the GACE! I'm taking it in January. I'm very proud of you! (but isn't it amazing that we need to be "certified" to do something we've been doing for years...?)