Friday, November 30, 2007

Open-ish Auditions

Who's into voiceovers?
Like working for a good cause?

So, for a final project (meaning, due in 2 weeks) I'd like to make a digital audio recording/podcast of the entire play of Romeo and Juliet. It will be used for high school audiences and not require British/Shakespeare accents. If you are interested, and are happy to work for pizza and booze (well, if you're old enough)...please let me know. I'll be recording in the Atlanta/Decatur area. I'll get some semblance of a schedule together for anyone who's interested.

Oh, if you know of someone I didn't tag and you think would be great, let me know too!

Oh, if you know anything about recording and would like to share advice, that's always welcome, too.

Thanks in advance! :)

Adrienne (Miss G.)

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