Sunday, October 21, 2007

things to write on

This is going to be an incomplete entry-- I need to put a little down on paper, so to speak, but don't really have the time or mental prowess to do much I want to do with it at this time.

It's been a busy week...I've been out almost every night this week (maybe not the best for my "staying on track in school" mantra)-- but it's been goodtimes with good friends. Had an interesting phone call on Monday night...not sure how to write about that, exactly and goodtimes with a friend on Tuesday. Rough day on Wednesday, but ended at Carpe Diem with a half-price bottle of red wine-- which is always a good time. Thursday...I got to talk to an old friend at my old job about a lot of stuff-- she's amazing. She's been a surrogate for infertile relatives-- and carried twins to term who were born this summer. I'm in awe. She's also really cool and easy to talk to. Good advice and thoughts from Melissa...that's for sure.

Friday was "Things are Looking Up" Christy and I have now deemed them. Chamblee High is really a cool school-- I met a couple of really down-to-earth educators-- Mr. Smith and Ms. Knapp-- as well as the principal Lowery and the pres. of the Ga Charter School Association. Good networking, people!! Got books, ideas for a lesson (yay, Poe!), made new friends, found a place I want to work theoretically next year, etc. etc. I hit a tree in my yard earlier in the week (oops) and a piece of my plastic undercarriage was scraping the ground for a while-- it finally made it off-- so, things are looking up. Made it to Clopton and he made some recommendations, and let me say the traffic on Candler SUCKS! I hung out with Will for a bit on Friday-- we need outside activities...otherwise I get sad. Nuff said.

Saturday, I picked up Baby Boy (is it weird to use a baby's real name here??) and we went to Stone Mountain for the Scottish Highland Games. Contrary to popular belief, they're called kilts, not skirts. wasn't exactly the same as I remember it as a kid or a horny teenager (it's been a few years since I've gone)-- but I got some stained glass, heard some pipe and drum bands, ate a funnel cake (sprinkled with dirt by Baby) and roast corn and chatted with my mom, Aunt, and Grandma. Saw a little Irish washerwoman dancing-- that stuff is so funny. Ended up kind of doing nothing except reading some Bill Bryson last night-- oh wait! After getting the new postsecret book and some Gace/Praxis stuff. Selection at Edgewood B&N sucks. Oh well. Yay, postsecret. I really believe in that project; it's amazing. I overuse the word amazing all the time-- but it is. =)

Today is the AIDS walk in Piedmont Park...and I have a pile of homework to do...along with Luchsingers and Amnesty. Ah is busy, and when life is busy, it is good.

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