Friday, February 22, 2008

if music be the food of love...

So, I've been blogging at a couple different locations-- a covert school blog and a required journal for school...and writing lessons and units (haha, units) I've been neglecting this one lately. Honestly, I've been writing...some for me, actually!-- but on paper.

So anyway, here are my thoughts for the moment:

Grandpa Bill-- I got to talk to my Grandpa earlier this week and he's recovering from a really terrible car accident that happened 3 months ago. I'm so pleased with his progress-= he's been going to rehab and PT and getting better. THere's so much tension in Mark's side of the family-- it's hard to communicate and interact. I didn't know how he would do-- in a space of 6 months, Grandpa went from being the sole caretaker of Grandma Marilyn, to losing her, feeling liek he had no purpose without her/looking for what to do with his time, to needing constant care himself. It's been so much change-- but he seems to be emerging pretty well.

Student Teaching-- So, student teaching is going. There are ups and downs-- generally, I like my kids, hate my school, like my lessons, hate my unit, -- that kind of ups and downs. There have been some really cool exchanges-- moments-- between me and the kids-- they are learning a lot of stuff and I noticed today as I was leaving that several of them waved to me at dismissal-- a sure sign that they are not hating me too much-- they are willing to acknowledge me in front of their friends. I have a class of mostly boys and there are a couple of girls in there who are really protective of me-- if they are worried that I didn't understand a slang word-- they ask me if I got it-- if the boys are too off task, they fuss at them like mother hens. It's really cute and I appreciate them a lot. THat class also has the boys who talk about my ass on a daily (well, I'll be honest, I have only heard about it once this week, so maybe the novelty it tapering off) basis. It makes me laugh...that's all I can say. The 9th graders were REALLY good for my big observation on v-day-- so I owe them cupcakes big time.

babies-- So, a lot of people are having baby boys lately!! Carol and Dave had Will-- but he got jaundice and a terrible infection right away-- spent the first 10 days of his life in the Children's Hospital in Indianapolis. He's getting better-- and Carol's doing great. I'm so glad Dave and Carol have each otehr-- after visiting them this summer, I was in love with love for them. Bonner and Spence had little Danny-- he seems to be perfect. I'm glad they are parents-- if I was younger, I'd want Spence to be my dad!! Shel's brother and sister-in-law had Bailey-- and in the pics, he's screaming his head off, but the first pic with Lata (the new Grandma), he's calm and serene. Happy Gramma, happy baby. Welcome to earth, babies Will, Danny, Bailey-- the winters are cold and the summers are hot...

Christy and Maddie-- These fine ladies, what can I say...we are partners-in-crime in this crazy masters program-- and I'm soooooo thankful they are not insane and here. I don't know what I would do without them!!! Christy and Maddie are such good teachers and have such strengths as people-- Christy is so together and calm and such a chill mom and so supportive-- I wouldn';t make it without my text messages during my observations-- and millions of phone messages!! Maddie is so awesome with going out and us talking abotu teaching and England and boys and schools and the world for hours. It's soooo cheesy, but on the karmic sense, I feel so overpaid with the kindness from these people.

moon-- So there was the lunar eclipse on Wednesday night--and it was wonderful. I noticed tons of girls on the quad watching it after Luchsingers-- it was not orange yet, just really bright on the corner and changing. Later, I went home and it was ruddy orange-- the stars were dim around it. I feel so recharged after spending quality time with the moon and stars...I need to check out the observatory sometime!! I spoke with Janet on Thur morning and we laughed-- she said, did you do the moon dance? I giggled, yes-- I put a blanket outside and watched it for a while, Petey Belle did NOT know what was the matter with me-- then she said, did you show the moon your breasts? It's important to moon bathe!!

Dan-- Dan the man is awesome. He hates that title-- but, lemme say, he always comes through. My oven pilot was off and I couldn't figure it out--Dan fixed it. He's awesome. I've got a lesson that needs filming coming up-- he's going to do it for me, again, because he's awesome. Oh, and I got my season pass in the mail to six flags-- I think it must be renewed...because upside-down time with Dan is goodtimes!

gng-- This company SUCKSSSSSSSSS. I've gotten 4 (and counting) service fees from them because of clerical errors on their parts. Here's the fun part-- they were charging gas on the wrong house (since Puppy's and mine are confusing)-- and they will only refund half the fees. THey suck and I hate them. I like hot water and heat and all, but I hate that this is the means to that end. Bleeecccch, gng. You don't even get capital letters.

arleen-- So there's this amazing-- been through hell and back lady-- a senior citizen, if you will, who works at the art shop with me. She's hilarious and uncensored and says whatever she wants-- and I'm so lucky to be able to be around her. She's a hell raiser-- and I want to be just like her when I'm her age. She's also very protective of me-- which I've noticed, as a trait, I really value in people. :)

shakespeare --Romeo and Juliet is just about done--we saw the Georgia Shakespeare version (I wrote on LJ about it) and have been watching hte films. Othello is starting up and they are LOVING the raunchy opening-- I'm getting a kick out of teaching it. Let me just say, in a completely gushy way, I LOVE Shakespeare!!! Everything is so present in our lives today! So many of the themes and even scenes (strangely) parallel stuff that I see all the time. I use that as my advocation for a more vocational track in younger schools-- that kids don't need to read Shakespeare in order to live a fulfilling life and have a job successfully-- but, you know, maybe they do?? The themes course through the blood of the veins of life-- you can't breathe without using the phrases, the ideas, the language-- I'm in awe. Bard, man, you rock.

Sarah and KT-- Okay, these chicas are my love-doctors. They listen to me babble about boys and have advice, stories to share. Katy and Sarah, you rock really hard. I can't believe I can talk so much about this, and you have amazing ears for being able to stand it. Plus, you are both gorgeous on the inside and out. Well, I haven't seen your insides, but I'd imagine you have some pretty awesome-looking cells going on.

internet support-- So, I love the internet. THat sounds like something a cyber-oriented Kindergartner would say, but I do. I think Facebook is awesome because all these nice people send me happy messages and free gifts and eggs and stuff and it makes me happy. Thank you internet, for being awesome...and thank you friend for texting, iming, emailing, etc. etc. with awesomeness that makes me happy. :)

music-- Courtney has this obnoxiously infectious song on her itunes..."Music is my boyfriend, music is my girlfriend..." and so on. Man, I love me some music. I had no idea how much not having a regular source of good music-- from making it and getting it-- through itunes, Luchsingers, chorale...singing in the car (which I couldn't do when my car was dead)-- how music keeps me centered and whole. I loveeeeeessss me some music! So, if music can be my lover...I will be the pantheist girlfriend of music. haha, I guess Shakespeare said it better, "if music be the food of love, play on."

That's gonna wrap it up for me. Tune in next week...while I play it by ear...hardee, har har.

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