Tuesday, March 11, 2008


So, today was supposed to be Super-Afternoon Tuesday...the kids had testing, so I had my 10th graders at the end, not the middle of the day, then I had chorale rehearsal, then Dan and I had some fun-ness planned. Alas.

The testing part was fine (Mrs. Galloway is HILARIOUS!) and the teaching part was fine. One student has deemed himself the class dad...I guess it's like my 3rd grade "room mother"--except that he just threatens the other kids with a belt if they don't do their work. Funny stuff. I think he wouldn't hit them...

Then I got home, walked Bella, and then, my car wouldn't start. After several phone calls to people more mechanically inclined, I ascertained that my car's battery was fine. It's less than a year old too. I missed rehearsal. :(

So, later, Dan came over...even though our original plans were to go to the CrAzY carnival and watch this Romanian film at the Art Cinema and then watch his awesome Dvd handiwork on my teaching video...(see, it's a super Tuesday)...and he started taking apart the innards of my car to get the starter out. A few hours in the dark and cold later, the starter was freed, and on its way to be recycled or refurbished or sold on the used-car market at Auto-Zone. Yay, new starter. Yay, Dan! Yay, Dan for making my car go! Yay, Dan for filming and editing my teaching video! (I look like Bonner at times when I teach, in case anyone's wondering...)

Even later than that, all the lights went off at my house...not a big deal, since I have the scary fuse box. HOWEVER, I didn't realize that the electrician had made good on his word and REPLACED MY SCARY FUSEBOX WITH A CIRCUIT BREAKER SWITCHY THINGIE PANEL! You have no idea how excited I was. The screw-in fuses are so scary. They pop and are hot and are hard to handle. (Sounds like black crowes)...but it is better...anddddddddd my dryer is better! No growling! It turns, it heats...it dries clothes!
Super-Tuesday is going to end with my car working, me drying clothes, and a giant bowl of potato crisps at Manuel's...la vie est bon. Oh, et Dan est la merde. :)

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