Monday, February 16, 2009

tea time!

So, I've become slightly obsessed with tea lately. Maybe it's cuz I've been sick--but now I am majorly loving on some hot tea. So, I bought this awesome tea at the Farmer's Market today-- it was crazy expensive-- 10.78 for this little container...apparently it's $39 a pound. Since I have no gift for conversions or division...I have no idea how much tea I have.

It smells like the delicious flower-jasmine tea you get at thai restaurants-- and it's little flowers-- kinda look like the tops of clover flowers-- but it smells amazing-- and I haven't tried it yet...but here's a pic I found on el internet to tell me what it's supposed to do in water..GORGEOUS!

Oh, it's called Yi (or Vi?) Dian Hong.

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