Monday, January 21, 2013

Texts will get you no where.

For those of you keeping score at home...let me tell you about my evening!!

I posted a rather flattering picture of me doing the Mckayla Maroney "Unimpressed" face on facebook with the caption, "The boy from my blog and I are going to dinner. Ima go get groceries after. So whether or not he kisses me, ima be the cutest thang in trader joes tonight."

this one is much cuter than the "unimpressed" version
My date went well...actually, it went a little bumpy, as dates are oft wont to go-- he was frazzled, had the wrong address for the restaurant, and was running late (apparently punctuality is a thing people get excited about)-- but the meal was delicious (Thai food-- Mali's in the Highlands)-- incidentally, we both picked Massaman curry. Conversation was great, laughs were exchanged, plans were made for another date...perhaps even a Shakespearey one. I chided him a bit about the not calling bit-- part of me felt like I was nagging and being clingy, but the "Oh-hell-no-you-go-girl-get-em" loud persona inhabiting my brain was more encouraging on the gentle nudge toward regular-freakin-communication.

Well, let's just mention communication. He's not a big texter and I am. It's also important when one is dating to seed the questions and comments from ones friends before and after said date. I do this with SEVERAL of my friends-- we text outfit pics back and forth before the date, we fwd. messages and ask for interpretation, we text before dates and check in during to make sure the other party isn't getting murdered or something. I think it's girl-bonding shit that Carrie would recommend (from SATC) if she could work a smartphone

Not being one to kiss and tell.....

I was texting my girls as soon as I hit it up out that parking lot. So, um, I meant to text one of my friends the straightforward, "yay, kisses!" And I texted it to him

And he responded.

Bella is WISHING she could disappear right now.

So, um, yeah. That happened. And in Emily's words from a few years ago, "Y'ALL! I AM positively MORTIFIED!" He wrote back something congenial and self-effacing. I wrote back that I maaaaaaaybe intended that for someone else. Both parties were amused. (Not including me.)

I'm assuming since he doesn't do the smartphone--big-time texting thing, he's probably not getting the sheer volume of texts that come flying out of a simple brush of my finger's caress across that screen. Hopefully he doesn't overthink it... just thinking about it, I'm giggling and clapping my hand to my forehead, squinching  my eyes closed in shame. There's no one here to see me but the sleeping dog, and I'm still embarrassed.

So, the boy did kiss me. I liked it and had butterflies in my tummy. I don't think he has wings. I think I'm kind of an idiot for texting him about the kiss we just had.

And damn, I did look good buying cheese and greens at Trader Joe's. 

For a little taste of random, here's a cartoon one of my students drew: 

(So adorable. I bet that octopus never wrong number texts. Octopi in jaunty hats never do stuff like that.)

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