Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Adventures of Scrappy Pete, Wordless Wednesday

Well, if you know me, you know I'm very rarely out of words. So, in order to be wordless, I am going to post a gazillion pictures of my pup Petey Bella in costumes. Because, really, it makes sense for little purse dogs to have outfits-- their whole purpose is to be an accessory. But big dogs in clothes? Oh. My. Gosh. It's too funny. Note, she has a raincoat, a pink sweatshirt, and a Halloween witch costume, but I couldn't find pics. Use your imagination. :)

Just buzzing around for treats. You gots treats?
Santa Paws worked me to the bone this year!

Her birthday is 3/17, so it's St. Petey's Day!

Sometimes the Wildlife Service has us check on critters out here.

Gotta have a collared shirt for Casual Fridays
Pink snowsuit didn't get much use in GA

UGA colored sweater and booties. Bring it on, Denver cold!
It's not really a costume, but it's her professional photo for her Linked-In-Canine page.

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