Thursday, February 27, 2014

Cultural connections...gone awry

One of my colleagues speaks German, but is pretty darn fluent in English too.

My colleague, a mid-50's mom and grandmother, who reminds me of my own grandmother a lot-- she volunteers at the Science and Nature museum, she goes on educational trips out of state to learn about science and national parks. She's very well-rounded and the kids adore her. As I mentioned, she speaks German. It should go without saying then that she's from Germany, and has lived in the U.S. for at least a decade.

I wish I could capture her accent here. It's just precious. 

She and I were speaking and she got very excited. She said, "Oh! Oh! I remember, I was talking to my daughter about a documentary about your state! You are from Georgia, this I know!"

I replied, "Oh really? Which documentary?"

She answered, "It was a documentary, to learn about your state Georgia! They are very rich and have lots of money to spend that actually belongs to their husbands. But it is set in Georgia!"

I thought about it and asked, "Is the show about mainly women? And they drink a lot of alcohol?"

"Yah, Yah, this is the show."

"Were the women wearing short dresses and had lots of plastic surgery?"

"Yah, yah."

I hung my head a little. Ach, mein, Gott.  She thinks I lived a life back in Georgia like the Real Housewives.

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